With hardly any experience in anything worth discussing, Evan is a frustrated and jaded security professional tired of responding to incidents and data owners in a broken mantra…"I told you so! Oh, you agree? Then WTF!" After a certification binge and stint at corporate ladder climbing, he abandoned all hope of making businesses and government any more secure from the inside. Now he breaks stuff...
Evil Wizard
This is my day to day...All around a great place to work. They give me expensive toys, lots of research ideas, and a steady paycheck. The first two make me happy and the last one makes my wife happy.
Technology, hacker, and maker conference where some of the best in the world come to speak, hack, and party. Held in Nashville, TN, the conference focuses on building community & creating an environment for individuals to interact, build relationships, & grow their skills. It’s a huge undertaking but even larger reward to help organize & execute each year. This one "goes to 11!"
2017 celebrated the 7th and final year of SkyDogCon. People continue to find me at conferences & events to share their favorite memories or stories of how it enabled or inspired them. It was a great honor to be part of this amazing event as a core organizer for so many years!
Organizes and conducts the DEFCON Social Engineering Capture-the-Flag (SECTF) & other events. A "Black Badge" event since its start, the crowds get bigger and bigger each year.
Some of the best human hackers come out each year to show their skills and make everyone die laughing in a competition of whits and trickery that could make a lawyer blush. Come early and don't leave your seat!
Video Guy
CON Near You! I do a decent amount of recording for security conferences near and far. These are posted on YouTube without attribution or restriction.
I'm on staff or volunteer at a number of conferences & events as I'm able to include:
If you're looking for help to record/stream video for your conference, check out my blog for resources or contact me.
Patent Pending: Mediated Encryption Policy Framework For User-Transparent Method-Agnostic Data Protection
Full utility patent filed on "Presentation 6 1/2" presented at various conferences in 2013 & 2014. Hoping to ramp up development and change the world or something!
Provisional Data Protection Framework Patent
To be released as open source data protection framework for ubiquitous computing ("the cloud"). Provisional patent awarded JAN 2014.
Speaking Engagements
March 14
Failing, Scaling…Abdicating
Chattanooga Chapter ISSA
November 14
Going Nuclear: Exploiting Mass Emergency Notification Systems
May 8
“The Reporting Killchain: It’s killing your security!”
Charlotte ISSA 11th Annual Security Summit
April 18
Zombies on the Airwaves!
February 3
The Reporting Killchain: It's Killing Your Security!
Chattanooga Chapter ISSA
November 22
Allow myself to encrypt...myself!
October 24-26
Zombies on the Airwaves!
SkyDogCon, NashvilleOctober 16-17
Zombies on the Airwaves!
August 5-6
Allow myself to encrypt...myself!
July 17
The Reporting Killchain: It's Killing Your Security!
November 1-2
Siege Warfare & Fantasy Defense-in-Depth
October 9-10
Data Mining for Continuous Monitoring & Compliance Reporting
ISSA International Conference, Nashville
July 31 - August 1
Dungeons & Dragons, Siege Warfare, and Fantasy Defense in DepthBSides, Las Vegas
July 18
Fantasy Tower Defense With Your Infrastructure
Charleston Chapter ISSAApril 5-7
Pay it Forward (then get it back): Online Asset Muling and Digital Money Laundering
Outerz0ne 9, Atlanta
I go to CONs...
Blackhat, Las Vegas
BSides, Las Vegas
BSides, Augusta
BSides, Charlotte
BSides, Charleston
CarolinaCON, Raleigh
DEFCON, Las VegasDerbyCON, Paducah
Outerz0ne, Atlanta
ShmooCon, D.C.
SkydogCON, Nashville
Red Team Volunteer
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions
It has been a blast to be invited to red team multiple CCDC events! These events always push me to get creative and allow me to "educate" the next generation of defenders.
Featured in the following TechTarget >SearchCompliance videos/articles:
Video: What innovations make biz most vulnerable to technology risk?
What's on deck for 2014? An updated information security plan
Interview with TechTarget during ISSA International 2013
Interview with TechTarget during ISSA International 2013
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